
Saturday, August 28, 2010

We all live in a pokemon world~

Okay guys, time for my deepest darkest secret.....I LOVE POKEMON! Okay so that's no secret, but I bet you didn't know a drew some pokemon and had fan characters! NOW YOU DO!

So every time i see a Pokemon fancharacter they're always and "ash and crew" type trainer, or they're "team -insert something space related here-". The problem I have with this is that A. Ash is a pansy and if he were a real Pokemon game player he'd use hacks. and B. Not many of the people I know that play are like that at all.

This gave me the idea for Nori. This is a trainer like a real game player would be. She knows she can kick ass, and she makes sure everyone else does. She loves her Pokemon, but she can be kind of ruthless and terrible. In short: she's not a perfect virtuous heroine. She battles because it's fun, not because some old guy told her to.

Her first Pokemon is also not a starter. He's a meowth. A slightly-scarred meowth that was rescued from some evil organization that was experimenting on Pokemon. She was given the meowth by a traveling man who was entrusted with some of the refugees in order to find them homes.

Nori comes from Lavender Town in the Kanto region and has a certain soft spot for injured pokemon (although she'd never admit that). She immediately fell in love with her meowth and named him Dashi, after the japanese fish stock used for ramen.(all of her pokemon are named after japanese foods.)

Shortly after, the pokemon cemetery in her town was under attack, and she was involved in a big hullabaloo to save them, in which she caught her second (next image) pokemon, a gastly which she named nigiri. Nigiri is strangely timid for a ghost type, but he's her close second in favorites.

She later caught a slowpoke, which she quickly traded for a mareep that became Bonito, he ampharos. Bonito is very giddy and happy, but she's actually a regular power house.

 Then she found herself a shiny tentacool. It was the first thing she caught with her rod and she named her Shio. Shio is intelligent and skilled, but laking in brawn, which is more accustomed to Nori's strategy. Sadly, she's not used as much, and Nori is stubborn and wants to train her somehow.

So I know you all wanted to read this, haha. Anyway, enjoy the pictures! :D Peace~

Kaesta out!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Art Under The Influence

Rhythms and Tones- Personal Work

Hey everyone, this is Raving Fangirl Kaesta Henderson with my newest project: Art Under The Influence. This project is based around music and how it influences art and life in general. The project comes as a set of seven, and each comes with a little backstory.
 AUI-Personal Work 

This is my first project connected with my Etsy Store: Bloody Banana. Each of these paintings are one of a kind, and made to decorate a home. Their matted on black presentation board and made to hang with nothing more that and small nail or a thumbtack.You'll never get art like these again! Hurry up and grab them!

I really love music, and I've always used it as inspiration. Not only in my art, but in my personality and life. Every day, I listen to music to refresh my soul and give me the high that no drug could even begin to describe! Hell, Music makes my least favorite chore- washing dishes- tolerable!

This personal mantra bled over into my current fascination with acrylic and watercolor paints. I got to thinking about how much music has done for me. I felt it was time to write an artistic love song! So I made up the idea of Art Under The Influence!

I had originally meant for it to be a personal work that I'd keep, but then I found Etsy and decicded it would be the perfect place to share the them of Love and Music with the world, and maybe pay my way through college while I'm at it!

These first two pieces are on sale NOW! Please buy them, I would really appreciate it!