
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Virtual Pet Planet Revamp

Hey people, if any of you read my webcomic, Virtual Pet Planet, I have some news:
I’m going to redo everything. This time I’m gonna focus more on the quality of the updates and the storytelling rather than try to make updates in a hurries fashion. I’m gonna plan ahead, and have a lot of work finished before I start posting. 
First thing I’m gonna do is make legit turnarounds for the characters, and plan out at least three or four chapters in full-out thumbnails. I also don’t know if I’m gonna host them on Smackjeeves or not yet.
I know that the revamp is definitely going to have a few major changes. It’s not gonna be just Panel for panel what the first chapter was. I’m gonna be a lot more thoughtful of WHAT i draw and how I draw it. It want everything to be genuinely good, so I hope I can handle it.
I plan to do a lot of this planning over winter break. There are already two things I’m certain about:
The pages are gonna be in landscape format. The reasoning behind this is that webcomics are meant to be read on a landscape-style screen, and I want to format my pages to that type. This also leads into the next thing I’m certain about.
It’s gonna have animations and pivotal moments. Not every chapter, but when serious stuff happens, or when something really just needs sound and motion to tell the story. It only seems logical that as an animator I would do something like this.
So there you have it. I’ll update more as time goes on. Prepare yourselves. I’m gonna kick some ass.